about us

healthy body • peaceful mind • for all

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we provide give-it-forward wellness activities in spaces that are donated by people all around the world.

how does it work?

host - generously offers a private or public space such as a living room, basement, backyard, office, retail, municipal, etc.

teacher - generously guides a wellness activity such as dance, yoga, meditation, tai chi, etc.

students - generously 'give-it-forward' via on-line anonymous voluntary contribution after the class, for the activity to continue and benefit future students

100% of the revenue from every activity goes to the respective teacher.
the teacher later makes a voluntary contribution back to daana to cover our costs in making anonymous contribution-based wellness activities available to all.

have fun . be well . do good
  • health: time, distance, money and any kind of self-perceived limitations are no longer reasons to not attend a wellness activity
  • generosity: the word 'daana' means “cultivating the virtue of generosity by giving”. For us, generosity is the antidote to stress. You cannot be stressed and generous at the same time
  • community: built on a foundation of good health, wisdom and compassion, the classes can be dance, yoga, meditation, art, tai chi, dialogue circles, workshops, retreats -- essentially any 'give-it-forward' activity that uplifts the human condition
the foundation of this initiative, is generosity:


these are the filters that all daana activities go through:

    anonymous contribution: the activities are priceless. The contributions allow the activities to continue and benefit future participants

    non-'prophet': describing teachings from a different cultural context in a secular way, instead of prescribing dogmas

    non-sales: informing about other products and services if necessary, with the sincere intention to be of benefit to the participants; no sales tactics

    uplift human condition: all activities have the purpose of uplifting the body, mind and spirit of each participant
    Apr 2015: daana co-founder Bhaskar Goswami going to teach yoga at various homes as an invited guest, with a dollar store donation box

    Jul 2015: daana launches an Indeigogo crowd-funding campaign, raising $16K

    Mar 2016: daana releases website and app (‘daana’ in iOS and Android), built entirely by crowd-funding and volunteers

    May 2016: daana accepted onto Montreal’s premiere incubator, District 3

    Jun 2016: daana receives grant out of 60,000+ applicants worldwide to showcase at the world’s largest start-up conference in Hong Kong (RISE)

    Jul 2016: daana wins the prestigious CBC Media Prize at Canada's largest start-up conference, Montreal Startupfest 2016

    Nov 2016: daana invited to lead the wellness program at COP22 UN Global Climate Change Summit in Marrakech, Morocco

    Dec 2016: daana platform tested in Morocco, Hong Kong and Singapore

    Feb 2017: daana selected to run in-house wellness program in two international corporations

    Jun 2016: daana runs four luxury retreats in one month

    Jul 2016: daana receives local government grant to further support development initiatives

    if you are interested in collaborating as a teacher, host, volunteer or co-creator, please click here.

    start your class search here

our superstars

Bhaskar Goswami • Caroline Goyer • Michelle Holliday • Stephane LeBlanc • Jamie Benizri • Arijit Sengupta • Monika Bielskyte • Vince Purino • Valerie Cordemans • Kiarash Amin • Milare Turgeon • Janine Daoust • Ganesha (Anthony Neto) • Jeevan Dhamindra • Jérémy Carnus • Harun Kinali • Ahmed Alabbas • Rosanne Botto • Luc Desmarais

And all the other supporters that make this possible...

Join us with this game-changer movement for creating generous and healthy communities worldwide!